Friday 29 July 2011

Card Of The Day

Today's card of the day is Godhawk, Ichibyoshi

This card is the new Grade 0 Oracle Think Tank, that allows a combo into the Tsukuyomi cards, replacing Lozenge Magus(Or Circle Magus for those lucky enough to have pulled or sniped one) as a grade 0 starting card, however effectively taking up a space as a grade 0 in deck.

For those of you who don't read japanese, the card allows you to reveal the top five cards of your deck, and if the grade 1 card "Crescent Moon Goddess, Tsukuyomi" is revealed, you are able to freely ride it over the grade 0, this starts a chain of the same effect, meaning a +1 card if you are able to find the card within the mill, this activates right after draw phase and you are able to ride normally if the grade 1 is revealed, however you are unable to ride again if you did ride the grade 1 from the revealed cards.

As for the usage of this card, it is 100% needed as the starting vanguard if you are running a Tsukuyomi deck that is being released within the third booster set in a weeks time.

Pluses for running this card 
 You are able to use Tsukuyomi's ability
 plus 1 chains of riding into Tsukuyomi(i.e. extra cards in hand if successful)
 the heal triggers start in deck.
 Extra soul
Minuses for running this card
No extra boost from riding over initial vanguard
Minus one in deckspace

As you can see, this card is much needed in the Oracle think tank deck that plans to run the Tsukuyomi chain.