Today's card of the day is the new 11k oracle think tank Full Moon Goddess, Tsukuyomi
This card's ability requires the previous versions of this card within soul, otherwise the card loses 2k power.
The second ability allows the player to draw two cards during the main phase and send one card to soul from hand, if there is six or more soul underneath tsukuyomi, this is easily acheived by chaining through the abilities of the previous versions(links above).
If i were to run this deck, i would start with a god hawk as the grade 0 vanguard, 4 of each moon godess.
Which leaves you room for your triggers of choice, another 3 grade 3, 10 grade 1 and 8 grade 2, if you were to go by normal distributions, those would be entirely up to your own choice, howver i'd reccomend CEO amaterasu as your 2nd grade 3, Luck birds in grade 1 and silent tom in grade 2.
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